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2015 Vol. 36, No. 6

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Conceptual Design of Annular Fuel Element Small Reactor
ZHANG Jing, ZHAO Shouzhi, GUO Ya, GUO Xiaowei
2015, 36(6): 1-3. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0001
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
Annular fuel is a new type fuel which can improve reactor safety and economics on a large scale. The annular fuel reactor is an advanced type reactor. A small annular fuel reactor has been study and designed, and calculating soft and calculating method fitting for this reactor has been empoldered., too. Especially, the method of calculating reactor core few group parameters introducing regarding whole assembly as a cluster improves precision of calculation so much. Addition, some core key parameters has been calculated. For example,calculating reactor core keff,the per worth and gross worth of all control poison, the temperature reactivity swing and so on. So that the resulting indicates that the annular fuel reactor has been proven to be stable and safe. It can be a new generation reactor.
A Monte Carlo Method for Solving Point Reactor Kinetics Equation
YANG Junyun, XIAO Gang, YING Yangjun
2015, 36(6): 4-9. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0004
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
A Monte Carlo method based on the simulation of the generalized semi-Markov process method is described and investigated in this paper. The transients of neutron population and precursor population in the fissionable assembly are simulated by this method. The fission power and the delayed neutron source intensity at any time are obtained. The point kinetics equations of fast reactor and thermal reactor are studied by this method. The transients of reactors with step reactivity, ramp reactivity and oscillatory reactivity are simulated, which are systematically compared with the traditional numerical results. There is no stiffness problem for this method, which can conveniently simulate the complex reactivity input process, and fully consider the effect of the reactivity change on the kinetics parameters.
Application of 3-D Core Fuel Management Transport Program for HFETR
ZHU Lei, ZHANG Tengfei, SUN Shouhua, XIANG Yuxin, WU Hongchun, ZHENG Youqi, LI Jian
2015, 36(6): 10-13. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0010
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
This paper introduces the development backgrounds of HEFT, which is a 3-D core fuel management transport calculation program of HFETR, introduces the principle and function of the three main modules of HEFT, that is HEFT-lat, HEFT-core and HEFT-int, and the calculation method of lattice parameter and reactor loop calculation method are described. By the follow-up calculation of 81-I to 89-II of HFETR core and the comparison of initial critical keff, the control rod position during shutting down and the neutron flux, the calculation deviation is obtained. The result shows the validity of the HEFT code, the lattice and reactor core calculation model. Thus, HEFT has already successfully applied to the fuel management calculation of HFETR.
Research on Nuclear Properties of Beryllium Reflector In Physical Startup of Reactor
SUN Shouhua, ZHU Lei, LI Haitao
2015, 36(6): 14-17. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0014
Abstract(18) PDF(0)
This paper presents photoneutron group constants of beryllium and the neutron source strength value in the core on refueling period and before the critical transition. The paper set up the analytic function model, given neutron source strength value and the time of which the core achieve the periodic protection when the core inserted the different reactivity rate between physical startup to the critical, and given reactor power changes with the time and the total released energy and other physical parameters when the core happened supercritical delayed transient and prompt transient at introducing step reactivity.
Simultaneous Solution of Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulic Coupled System Based on Nonlinear Preconditioned JFNK Method
ZHANG Han, GUO Jiong, FAN Kai, ZHOU Xiafeng, WANG Lidong, LI Fu
2015, 36(6): 18-23. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0018
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
The Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov method is utilized to solve the Neutronics/ Thermal-Hydraulic coupled system in nuclear reactors. Nonlinear preconditioning is employed to avoid the nonlinear residuals, take full advantage of the original codes and couple these codes as black boxes. The basic property of nonlinear preconditioning is analyzed. The difference and connection between nonlinear and linear preconditioning are presented. The numerical results show that the nonlinear/linear preconditioned JFNK methods are more efficient than the traditional method for 3 cases of a 2-D simplified reactor model. Further more, the computational efficiency of linear preconditioned JFNK is better than that of nonlinear preconditioned JFNK.
Study on Effect of Reverse Density Difference on Natural Circulation of Reactor Primary System
FANG Hongyu, GUAN Zhonghua, CHEN Hongxia, ZHANG Xiaohua, WU Peng, ZHENG Qiang
2015, 36(6): 24-26. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0024
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
For M310 nuclear power plant, when reactor and coolant pumps trip, reverse density difference occurs in the crossover leg at seal injection condition, the natural circulation ceases if the core power decreases too much. This paper introduces the calculation model of the natural circulation, analyzes the reason for the ceasing of the natural circulation, and utilizes MATHCAD code to calculate the minimum core power.
Experimental Investigation on Resistance Characteristics of Wire-Wrapped Fuel Assembly in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic
LÜ Kefeng, CHEN Liuli, YUE Chenchong, GAO Sheng, HUANG Qunying
2015, 36(6): 27-31. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0027
Aiming to support the design and construction of CLEAR-I, a series hydraulic experiments were performed in KYLIN-II forced circulation thermal-hydraulic loop. In this paper, the flow resistance experiments of full scale fuel assembly were performed. It could be concluded that the pressure drop of the fuel assembly showed a good agreement compared to the experimental results with reactor design value. The maximum relative deviations were only around 6%. The friction factor of the wire-wrapped rod bundle was also measured and compared to the empirical relationship and former experimental results performed in water loop. The results showed that the Novendstern model was more suitable for this rod bundle than Rehme model, and the relative deviation is around 14%. Based on the Reynolds similarity, the friction factor results in water were larger than the values in LBE. That is because at the same Reynolds number, the secondary flow induced by helical wires in water was stronger than that in LBE.
Experimental Investigation on Wake Characteristics of Single Air Bubble Rising in Vertical Narrow Rectangular Channel
ZHANG Liqin, HUANG Yanping, WANG Junfeng, SONG Mingliang, ZAN Yuanfeng
2015, 36(6): 32-36. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0032
PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry) was used to study the velocity profile in the flow field and the wake characteristics of single air bubble rising in a vertical narrow rectangular channel. Effects of inlet average fluid velocity and bubble diameter on bubble rising velocity, wake structure and velocity profile were analyzed. Rising of the inlet average fluid velocity can reduce the wake disturbance induced by the rising bubble and simplify the wake structure. At a distance less than 1.0 WW is the channel width, mm) behind the bubble tail, disturbance is greater compared to zone beyond 1.0 W from the bubble tail.
Comparative Investigation on Wake Characteristics of an Vapor and Air Bubble Rising in a Vertical Narrow Rectangular Channel
ZHANG Liqin, HUANG Yanping, WANG Junfeng, SONG Mingliang, ZAN Yuanfeng
2015, 36(6): 37-40. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0037
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
Wake characteristics of a single vapor bubble rising in a vertical narrow rectangular channel were studied by PIV, and the effects of bubble diameter and inlet average fluid velocity on bubble rising velocity, wake structure and velocity profile were analyzed. In addition, wake characteristic of single vapor bubbles was compared with that of single air bubbles. Results showed that the terminal rising velocity of vapor bubbles as function of the bubble diameter was a little different from that of air bubbles. Effects of bubble diameter and inlet average velocity on the wake and position with maximum longitudinal velocity in the wake were all similar to that of air bubbles.
A New Method to Calculate Steam Jet Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficient
WU Xinzhuang, HUANG Xiujie, QIU Binbin, YAN Junjie
2015, 36(6): 41-44. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0041
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
A new method was provided to calculate the heat transfer coefficient of steam jet condensation in water by combining the average heat transfer coefficient and pressure oscillation main frequency through penetration length of stem plume, based on previous analysis model of steam jet condensation and oscillation main frequency correlation. Moreover, the pressure oscillation main frequencies were obtained experimentally at different steam mass fluxes and water temperatures, and the present and previous data were used to calculate the average heat transfer coefficients, and the values were within 1.71~2.93 MW/m~2·℃. The results indicated that the heat transfer coefficients were almost constant at various steam mass fluxes, and increased firstly and then decreased with the water temperatures.
Study on Steam/Air Condensation Heat Transfer Model
PAN Liqiang, SU Jiqiang, FAN Guangming, SUN Zhongning
2015, 36(6): 45-50. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0045
Under the natural convection condition, a heat transfer model of steam/air condensation on the vertical tube external surface is built. In the modeling process, considering that some steam which liquefies when not reaching the gas-liquid interface can enhance heat transfer, the natural convective heat transfer coefficient is corrected; when calculating the condensation heat conductivity, the integration algorithm considers changes of the gas mixture density in the diffusion boundary layer. The results show that the deviation between predicted values of the model and Dehbi’s experiment results is less than 15%, and the maximum deviation against the Anderson’s experimental results is 16.8%.Compared the present model with the existing models, it is found that the new model has higher precision than the other two old models.
Study on Dynamics Behaviour of Droplets at Swirler Area in Swirler Pattern Separator
NIU Maozhi, HUANG Zhen, WANG Jun, YAN Xiao
2015, 36(6): 51-55. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0051
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
According to reasonable simplifying forces exerted on a droplet, the dynamics equation of a droplet at the swirler area in Swirler Pattern Separator is given. Numerical simulation, which is verified by the conclusions from the experiment, is used to discuss the variable percentage of droplets passing throw the swirler area, droplets impacting the swirlers and the barrel wall in accordance with droplets average diameter, air inlet-velocity and swirler angle. The percentage of droplets impacting swirlers appears to increase when droplets average diameter or air inlet-velocity or swirler angle increases. In addition, swirler angle has little effect on the percentage. The more the rate of drag force to inertial force accumulating in droplets moving time, the more difficult for droplets to impact swirlers.
Probability Analysis for Effectiveness of IVR Strategy during Severe Accidents for ACP1000 through ROAAM
GUAN Zhonghua, XIANG Qingan, CHEN Bin, YU Hongxing
2015, 36(6): 56-60. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0056
The risk-oriented accident analysis methodology(ROAAM) is introduced to evaluate the effectiveness of the in-vessel retention(IVR) of the molten corium through external reactor vessel cooling during severe accidents of pressurized water reactors, with a simple mechanistic heat transfer model to simulate the heat transfer from the molten pool to the reactor vessel. By combining the results of Level-1 probabilistic safety assessment, the severe accident sequences calculations, and the uncertainty analysis of heat transfer in corium, the overall success probability of the IVR strategy under severe accident condition can be reasonably predicted. The preliminary application of this approach for ACP1000 nuclear power plant shows that the success probability of the IVR strategy is more than 99%, and the most dangerous position is at the bottom of the top metallic layer due to the focusing effect.
Numerical Simulation of Erosion Phenomenon of Helium Stratification by Air Injection with Low Mach Number Algorithm
HOU Bingxu, YU Jiyang, Dorothée Sénéchal, JIANG Guangming, MIN Jiesheng
2015, 36(6): 61-66. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0061
The compressibility of gaseous mixture was usually neglected when doing CFD(Computation Fluid Dynamics) numerical simulation for low-speed gas flow. However, the non-compressible approximation is no longer valid when the temperature difference or the concentration difference is too large in the computation system and the computational error is unacceptable. A Low Mach Algorithm is developed to solve such a problem. By dividing the actual pressure into a Thermodynamic Pressure and a Mechanical Pressure, the algorithm combines the thermodynamic pressure with the physical properties and is able to simulate the low Mach compressible flow more precisely, with relatively tiny modification to the present incompressible solver. The algorithm was realized on Code_Saturne and was applied to simulate the erosion phenomenon of light gas stratification by air injection. In this paper, the mesh refinement sensitivity is firstly performed and the mesh with medium refinement is selected for the following computations. Then, after a comparison among the results by different algorithms, it is found that the Low Mach Algorithm improved the precision significantly. At last, with the obtained simulation results, the horizontal distribution of helium in the experiment is also analyzed and discussed.
Study of Reactor Pressure Vessel Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis Based on ANSYS
ZHENG Liangang, XIE Hai, SU Dongchuan, SHAO Xuejiao
2015, 36(6): 67-69. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0067
Abstract(14) PDF(0)
There are two possible methods proposed in RCC-M paragraph ZG to perform the fracture analysis. The first method is easy to carry out. But the calculation result is too conservative and difficult to satisfy the criterion of RCC-M. The second method is to perform the fatigue crack growth analysis. This method is very complex. And there is too much calculation using this method. This paper provide a fatigue crack growth program writing with ANSYS code APDL commands. Calculation of reactor pressure vessel fatigue crack growth is performed using this program.
Evaluation Research on Effects of Uncertain Parameters for Floor Response Spectra of Nuclear Power Plants
LI Jianbo, LI Zhiyuan, QIN Fan, LIN Gao
2015, 36(6): 70-74. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0070
Consideration of the dynamic effects of parameter uncertainties of the site soil and structural models is a basic common requirement for various seismic codes of NPPs around in the world. The anti-seismic standards generally provide two methods to analyze such effects. The first method is to directly numerically cope with the calculated floor response spectrum(FRS) results by means of deterministic approaches, and the second method is to analyze the FRS result set on the basis of probability statistics, which establishes the sample space by applying the Monte Carlo method. The influence and contribution of certain parameters cannot be screened in both of the above two methods, which only reflect the overall impact of various parameter uncertainties. On the basis of the statistic theory, a comprehensive index about a set of uncertain parameters impact assessment is presented and recommended in this paper, based on the floor response spectra of NPP analysis results, mainly including the correlation coefficient, regression slope coefficient and Tornado. From different angles, such indicators can be used to analyze the impact and contribution on the FRS for various parameter uncertainties, which finally results in an important sensitivity parameter sort.
Investigation of Welding Residual Stress in J-Weld between Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Two Control Rod Drive Mechanism Nozzles Based on Mockup-to-Production Analysis Method
YANG Min, LUO Ying, FU Qiang, LI Yuguang
2015, 36(6): 75-78. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0075
A mockup-to-production method was proposed to investigate the welding residual stress induced by the welding of reactor pressure vessel(RPV) head and control rod drive mechanism(CRDM) nozzle. The mockup was built firstly, the welding temperature and residual stress were measured from the mockup; then the finite element simulation on the mockup was carried out and the simulated temperature and stress results were validated by the experimental data; based on the mockup, the simulation model and algorithms were further optimized and were finally used to simulate the residual stress of the product. The residual stress in the nuclear RPV head with two J-type welds at the locations of non-center hole were efficiently simulated with the proposed method. In addition, the superposition effect at the region between the two J-type welds were investigated. Results show that the mockup-to-production method is an efficient and effective method for the simulation of large nuclear welded structures; the superposition effect at the region between two J-type welds in RPV head is not significant.
Analysis of Station Blackout Accident for Subcritical Energy Reactor
ZHANG Dabin, JIE Heng, ZHOU Zhiwei
2015, 36(6): 79-83. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0079
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
For the special structure of the fission blanket, the heat conduction model in the core package of the MELCOR code is modified. Based on the new code, an analysis model is developed for the fission blanket and the cooling loop. After verification of the modeling method, the performance of the Subcritical Energy Reactor(SER) under the station blackout accident(SBO) is simulated. Simulation result shows that: the higher the power density in the fission blanket, the earlier being exposed, and the quicker the meltdown will be. The fuel at the upper part of the inner blanket begins to melt firstly, and then the fuel of the outer blanket, where the melt both occur more than two hours after being exposed. The results also show that, the zirconium water reaction affects significantly the accident process. In some local fission areas, the heat from the chemical reaction becomes the main heat source, which leads to the fuel temperature rising, or even the melt.
Development of Expert Decision Support Software for NPP Severe Accident Management
GUAN Hui, WANG Jiachang, ZHANG Ming, GUAN Zhonghua, ZHOU Tong
2015, 36(6): 84-87. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0084
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
This paper introduces the background, objective, method, key technology, function and application and validation of the expert decision support software for nuclear power plant severe accident management. By SAMG analysis software MAAP, comparative analysis was made between the calculate results, and the calculate results of this software were verified. The experience of the application proved that this software can provide outstanding performances: running quickly, intellectualized operation, and according with the plant operation and management habits. This software can improve the ability for severe accident management.
Design and Application of Measurement Device for HFETR Safety Process Parameters
GE Yuan, WU Wenchao, LI Pu, LU Xing, YANG Xianjun
2015, 36(6): 88-91. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0088
By using the redundant three-channel structure, the measurement device for HFETR safety process parameters was designed to implement the safety parameter monitoring and alarm. The device has advantage of parameter setting test method that is simple, efficient and convenient maintenance. It has performed well and reliably with its application in HFETR, which provides an example for the application of the safety class digital instrument and control system in the research reactor in China.
Decay Heat Removal Performance Analysis of AP1000 Startup Feed Water during Non-LOCA Accident
WU Hao, GAN Quan, LUO Qi, XIAO Sanping, LIU Yan, CHEN Shushan
2015, 36(6): 92-96. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0092
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
In order to verify if the supply performance of startup feed water(SFW) can meet the Defense in Depth Criterion of decay heat removal after non-LOCA accident, it is conservatively supposed that the reactor has been shut down, and the inner/external power grid, main feed water, and condenser heat sink have been lost. In additional hypothesis, the steam generator(SG) backpressure is the lowest setting value of safety valve, and only one series of SG and SFW pump is available. Firstly, whether the minimum supply of SFW pump can satisfy the criterion of 118.1m3/h is verified, when the condensate tank(CST) is at the lowest level. Secondly, after the accident, when the standby AC power and SFW pump needs 140 s to loading, whether the buffering capacity of SG can carry out the decay heat without trigger the safety system is illustrated. Thirdly, 140 s later, whether the SFW can stabilize SG level is discussed. Fourthly, whether the capacity of CST can satisfy the criterion of continuously supply during 24 hours after the accident. Through the analysis of the minimum SFW supply, the SG buffering capacity, the SG level control and the CST capacity, the design reliability and consistency to Defense in Depth criterion of AP1000 are verified.
Precision Measurement Underwater Technology for Curved Surface of Reactor Lower Internals
LI Tao, CHEN Liang, HOU Liwei, QI Hongchang, WANG Cong
2015, 36(6): 97-100. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0097
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
Once defects occurrs on the components installed on the nuclear reactor basket(lower internals), which requires repair, the curved surface for installation shall be accurately measured firstly. By analysis of the precise measurement technology and implementation process for the installation curved surface on the barrel for irradiation surveillance capsule support structures, it proved that the solution can achieve the purpose for space curved surface precise measurement underwater at high radiation conditions by the combined measuring device with high precision digital gauge, grating sensor and directional movement of the ball guide rail.
Research on Weight of Volume for Leakage Measurement Probe during CTT
HE Rui, JIA Wutong, ZHAO Jian
2015, 36(6): 101-104. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0101
Leakage-rate is one of the most important acceptance criteria in the containment test. The weight of volume for the leakeage measurement probe can affect the leakage-rate result. Using the optimization path and analyzing the distribution of temperature and humidity in the containment during CTT test, this paper presents a new method for the calculation of the probe volume used in the calculation of leakage-rate in containment test. At last, this paper calculates the leakage-rate with new volume admeasurement, which is close to the result of EDF.
Key Technology about Emergency Preparedness and Response for Nuclear Power Ships
YU Hong
2015, 36(6): 105-108. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0105
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
Based on the design and operation of nuclear power ships and the internal and international guide and criteria for the emergency preparedness and response, the methodology for the development of emergency classification, emergency response area, and protective action for nuclear power ship is established.
Study on Reliability of Monitoring Behavior of Operator in Digitized Main Control Room of Nuclear Power Plants Based on SOP
ZHANG Li, YAN Yueyong, DAI Licao, QING Tao
2015, 36(6): 109-114. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0109
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
In this paper, the experiment about the monitoring errors probability and the average performance time of different digital features were studied when the operator performed the procedures in the main control room. The simulation experiments were designed through field investigation to nuclear power plants and interviews with operators. The results show that the monitoring errors probability in color was 1.71×10-3, and that in figure was 1.57×10-3, but the physical form of monitoring object had no significant effect on the monitoring errors probability. The more complex the interface management tasks(the more the navigation), the longer the average performance time. Monitoring errors probability of 3 times of navigation was significantly less than that of 1 or 2 times. The results of monitoring errors probability and average performance time in different numbers of monitoring objects were significantly different. The more the monitoring objects, the higher the monitoring errors probability and the longer the average performance time, that is to say, the reliability of monitoring behavior is lower.
Nuclear Plant Protection System Design Based on Tricon V10 PLC
LUO Wei, LIU Hongchun, FENG Wei, ZHU Pan, WANG Yinli
2015, 36(6): 115-119. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0115
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
Reactor protection system implements the most important safety function for nuclear power plants. This paper mainly proposes the scheme of the reactor protection system based on Tricon V10 PLC, and introduces the design of structure, interface, diversity and fault detection for reactor protection system in detail.
Design of Digital Nuclear Instrumentation System of Ling’ao Phase II NPP
LI Gao, LIU Yanyang, LI Wenping, WANG Yuanbing, WANG Huajin, WANG Yinli
2015, 36(6): 120-124. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0120
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
The Nuclear Instrumentation System of Ling’ao Phase II NPP is the first full digital nuclear instrumentation system which was designed by China. This paper introduces the system functions, the general structure, the system design of the digital nuclear instrumentation system of Ling’ao Phase II NPP. This paper also gives the different points of the digital nuclear instrumentation system of Ling’ao Phase II NPP compared to that of Ling’ao Phase I NPP.
Mathematical Model Optimization and Dynamic Simulation on Pressurizer of PWRs
CHEN Tongbiao, FU Xiaobo
2015, 36(6): 125-127. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0125
The characteristics and performance requirements of PWR Pressurizers are analyzed, and the mathematical model for the pressurizer is optimized. The relationship between some thermodynamic parameters and temperature is linearly treated to get the optimization mathematical model of the pressurizer. Based on MATLAB environment, the dynamic simulation of the pressurizer is studied. The accuracy and real-time of the dynamic simulation is verified by the simulation for the mathematical model, and the dynamic simulation of the pressure safety system is achieved.
Analysis of Cavitation of Thermodynamic Cavitation Model for Reactor Coolant Pump
FU Qiang, CAO Liang, ZHU Rongsheng, WANG Xiuli
2015, 36(6): 128-132. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0128
To study the cavitation characteristics of the reactor coolant pump, the existing Zwart-Gerber-Belamri thermodynamic cavitation model has been improved by considering the heat transfer effect correction based on ANSYS CFX software, and the reactor coolant pump model is simulated before and after the improvement of cavitation model at different flow. Then, the comparative analysis of simulation and experimental values is verified that the thermodynamic effect improvement is correct when the reactor coolant pump cavitation occurs. The results show that when the cavitation does not occur, the improved model does not have an significant influence and the influence increases with the development of reactor coolant pump cavitation. Numerical simulation predicted trend of the model pump cavitation performance is consistent with the experimental values and the error value is in the 5.3% to 9.6%, which verified the numerical simulation of cavitation performance has a reliable prediction for engineering applications of reactor coolant pump. With the decreasing of NPSH, the area of low pressure expan from import to export on the impeller blade and bubble fills the entire impeller passage, also the head reduced.
Study on Stagger Angle Optimization Design of Helium Circulator Vane Diffuser
CHEN Zhixian, ZHANG Qinzhao, WANG Hong, LIU Bing
2015, 36(6): 133-137. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0133
A numerical platform was set for the helium circulator in HTR, which included impeller and vane diffuser. It was utilized in the stagger angle optimization design of vane diffuser. The optimization results show that 13 deg is the most optimized stagger angle under the design condition. The corresponding static pressure rise is 254 k Pa and the polytropic efficiency achieves 91%. Then the stagger angle of vane diffuser was set 13 deg. The performance and flow characteristics of the helium circulator under various flow conditions were studied through above numerical platform. The results show that the performance under the design condition is the most optimed one, and the recommended operation range is from 70% to 120% design flow rate, and the static pressure rise under conditions from 120% to 140% design flow rate does not satisfy the design requirement.
Research on Underwater Recovery Technique for Reactor Core Basket Former Bolt
LI Tao, CHEN Liang, HE Shaohua, QI Hongchang, WANG Cong
2015, 36(6): 138-140. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0138
The core basket is the key equipment in the PWR reactor core, and the defects of the basket former bolts directly related to the core safety. The failure of one nuclear power plant core basket former bolt that happened during the refueling outage is analyzed, and the underwater recovery measures are determined. The implementation result shows that the underwater recovery technique solution is feasible.
Research and Practice of Demineralizer Resin Ammonia-Saturated Operation in Steam Generator Blowdown System in Qinshan Phase II
SUN Jinna
2015, 36(6): 141-144. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0141
In the pressurized water reactor which uses ammonia to adjust the feedwater p H, the high PH control method is usually used to inhibit the flow accelerated corrosion(FAC)in the secondary system. But the increasing Ammonia concentration will shorten the lifetime of the resin in the steam generator blowdown system demineralizer, which will lead to the increasing of waste, heavy loading, and operation cost. By the ammonia-saturated operation test of the resin in the steam generator blowdown system demineralizer in Qinshan phase Ⅱ, we found that the ammonia-saturated operation is feasible; and it is an effective method to balance the demand of high PH value and the lifetime of demineralizer resin. And we prefer to use 2 demineralize systems together, one with ammonia-saturated operation and another one with hydrogen operation.
Theoretical Analysis and Test Study of Excessive Dissolved Oxygen in Condensate of Nuclear Power Plants
SHI Jianzhong, DUAN Zhengqiang, HU Youqing, WANG Shiyong, WANG Zhiming
2015, 36(6): 145-149. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0145
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
With the problem of excessive dissolved oxygen in a nuclear power plant’s condensate, its cause was studied from three aspects of system air leakage flow, condenser heat transfer performance and vacuum pump capacity by the methods of theoretical analysis and experimental research. Finally, the oxygen content of condensate was reduced to around 3 ppb(1 ppb=10-9) by blocking the air leak-in point and improving the performance of vacuum pumps. Established method can be used widely to solve the problems of excessive dissolved oxygen in nuclear power plant’s condensate.
Cause Analysis for Oil Leakage on Top of Reactor Coolant Pump
DUAN Yongqiang, WANG Yan, JIANG Xiaomao, YU Hongxing, CAI Zhiyun
2015, 36(6): 150-153. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0150
The lubrication oil leakage occurred on the top of the bearing during the factory test of reactor coolant pump(RCP). As for this problem, one 3D noumenon model for the fluid area on the top of the bearing is built in this paper to calculate the leakage oil flowrate and get the pressure distribution by the CFD analysis software of CFX. The calculation results indicate that the causes of the oil leakage are the unreasonable flinger design, smaller backflow pipes diameter and bigger floating seal clearance. Finally, we bring up some suggestion to the manufacturer for the design improvement, and then the improvement measures are validated in the pump test.
Cladding Surface Temperature Limit for Fuel Element Aluminum-Alloy Cladding of Research and Test Reactors
LI Yuanming, XIE Qingqing, XIN Yong, ZHOU Yi
2015, 36(6): 154-157. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0154
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
Higher power density and thermal flux are needed for the research and test reactors both under construction and in research to improve the level of neutron flux. This makes the temperature of aluminum-alloy cladding increase continuously and approach its limit. The cladding surface temperature limit for aluminum-alloy cladding used in the research reactor was studied under normal operation condition(condition I) and anticipated operation occurrences(condition II). It was indicated that for fuel elements with aluminum-alloy cladding used in research reactors, the mechanical property and the condition to prevent the coolant boiling are the main limited factors for cladding surface temperature under condition I. According to the design guidelines for condition II, the cladding integrity should be guaranteed and the highest temperature and cladding stress should be put under restriction, instead of the cladding surface temperature. However, the cladding surface temperature is relative to the highest temperature and cladding stress still, and it is should be focused.
Research on the Influence of Asymmetric Condition on Flow Instability in Parallel Channels
LU Jianchao, QIAN Libo, GAO Yingxian
2015, 36(6): 158-162. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0158
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
A lumped model for flow instability in parallel channels is built for parallel rectangular channels and the influence of asymmetric condition on flow instability is analyzed theoretically in present work. The results show that the asymmetric conditions play a significant influence on flow instability in parallel channels: by keeping the average throttling constant, the influence of asymmetric throttling increases with the decrease of pressure or with the increase of mass flux; the threshold power is first increase and then decrease with the increase of asymmetric heating, and the influence of asymmetric heating increases with the increase of system pressure while decreases with the increase of inlet subcooling or mass flux.
Dynamic Analysis on Buffer Shaft of CRDM Latch Assembly
YU Zhiwei, CHEN Xinan, TANG Xiangdong, YANG Bo
2015, 36(6): 163-166. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0163
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
This paper conducts a theoretical and experimental dynamic analysis on CRDM buffer shaft subjected to the follow current, the remanence, hydraulic buffer and the final hit during the insertion of the drive rod, and calculates the initial velocity and average hitting acceleration when the buffer is hitting with the preservation magnetic pole, to provide accurate and reliable input parameters for the design and strength check of CRDM buffer shaft.
Research on Effect of Transmittance of Lead Glass for Nuclear Power Plants
ZHANG Feng, LIU Yanzhang, DING Ying, MA Shaojun
2015, 36(6): 167-170. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.04.0167
The effect of white light transmittance of ZF6 lead glass for nuclear power plants is studied experimently. The main factors causing the white light transmittance change is analyzed. Meanwhile, the changing law of the transmittance of lead glass with different thickness under different doses of irradiation and the effect of multilayer stack on the transmittance are revealed. The maximum radiation dose(or yield point) endured by the lead glass is found out, and the transmittance expression for the lead glass is given. From the perspective of improving the visual effect of lead glass and the service life, suggestions are put forward for the engineering design and application.
Research on Proportion for Radioactive Concentrate Liquid Waste Cementation
2015, 36(6): 171-174. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0171
The cement solidification formula is researched for the concentrated liquid, which comes from the evaporation process of some low radioactive liquid waste. In the first, the characteristics of the source terms, such as p H, conductivity, chemistry composition, salt contamination, nuclear species and generational β activity concentration, are inspected and analyzed. And then, the solidified samples are made using the conventional and radioactive reagent separately. Secondly, seven technical parameters such as resist pressure strength, shock strength, resist infusion strength, resist frozen and melt strength, dissociated liquid volume and nuclear species infusion ratio are tested one by one. The experimental data is analyzed and the optimum ratio of the cement and the concentrated liquid is determined as 0.5. At last, the concentrated liquid cement solidified engineering survey is developed according to the formula mentioned above. The study results indicate that the performances of the solidification body satisfy the national criteria. The cement solidification formula could regard as the reference for the concentrated liquid cement solidified.
Experimental Study on Simulated Radioactive Wastes Vitrification with Arc Plasma
XU Wenbing, Lyu Yonghong, CHEN Mingzhou, HUANG Wenyou, LI Qing
2015, 36(6): 175-179. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.06.0175
Abstract(15) PDF(0)
To evaluate the treatment effect of inorganic waste with plasma system, thermal plasma generated by a plasma torch was adopted to treatment the simulated radioactive waste, the simulated incinerator ash. The electrical and thermal characteristics of the plasma torch were studied. The temperature distribution of plasma jet was examined via numerical simulation. Vitrified waste form was obtained by cooling the molten. Several analyses were carried out for the waste form. And the results show that the solidified waste appears glassy, with the compressive strength much more than 7 MPa, which is the limited value for cemented waste form. Based on the composition of the vitrified waste form, it can be concluded that its leaching resistance performance should be fairly good.