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2017 Vol. 38, No. 3

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Effect of Axial Power Distributions on Supercritial Water Flow Instability
Lu Xiaodong, Chen Bingde, Wang Yanlin, Zhang Yan, Chou Zicheng, Wu Yingwei, Huang Yanping
2017, 38(3): 1-6. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0001
The control equations of the calculation model on flow instability for a supercritical water parallel channel system were established.Semi-implicit finite-difference method with staggered mesh was used to discretize the control equations solved by the main element Gauss-Jordan elimination method.The accuracy of this model was verified by the experiment data.Uniform power distribution was selected as the reference axial power distribution,and cosine,bottom-peaked and top-peaked power distributions were used to simulate the axial non-uniform power distribution.The marginal stability boundaries(MSBs) for those four different axial power distributions were obtained by the transient calculation.The results show that compared with the uniform power distribution,the bottom-peaked power distribution will destabilize the system stability,while the top-peaked power distribution can enhance the system stability in the whole pseudo-subcooling number region.In high pseudo-subcooling number region,cosine power distribution will decrease the system stability,while the system stability will be enhanced in low pseudo-subcooling number region.In addition,a concept of pseudo-single-phase pressure drop ratio was proposed to analyze the influence mechanism for axial power distributions on the flow instability of the supercritical water in parallel channels.
Phenomenon and Analysis of Natural Circulation CHF
Peng Chuanxin, Chen Bingde, ZhuO Wenbin, Zan Yuanfeng, Liu Liang, Huang Yanping, Xu Jianjun
2017, 38(3): 7-11. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0007
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
The critical heat flux(CHF) under natural circulation condition in rectangular channel was investigated in this paper.It was found that the dryup of a liquid layer in annular flow caused the insufficient cooling of heating wall and the rise of wall surface temperature.Then the boiling crisis occurred at the outlet of test section.Accord to the trend of the wall temperature rise and steam quality,the category of boiling crisis is considered to be dry-out.In addition when the boiling crisis occurs,the natural circulation flowrate was found to be increased.Based on the theoretical analysis,the sharp decreasing of the friction drop results in the rise of natural circulation flowrate when annular flow turns to dispersed flow.
Numerical Simulation of Molten Jet Breakup by Coupled Multiphase Model Based on VOF Method and Two-Fluid Model
Zhong Mingjun, Zhou Yueshan, Lin Meng, Xiong Jinbiao, Yang Yanhua
2017, 38(3): 12-17. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0012
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
Current study couples the interface tracking model based on VOF with the two-fluid model in a unified solution framework.The new model can simulate the complex multiphase flow in which large-length-scale interface and small-length scale interface coexist.The model is a three-fluid,eight-equation model.For momentum fields,the fluid is divided into continuous phase and dispersed phase.Interface of continuous phase is tracked by VOF/PLIC method.Surface area distribution of the dispersed phase is simulated by the area transport equation.Governing equations of the new model is solved by MCBA-SIMPLE algorithm.The coupled model is applied to molten jet flow and breakup simulation.Experimental observation is used for comparison and validation.Effects of jet breakup model and initial drop diameter are also discussed in this paper.Results indicate that the original jet breakup model overestimates the jet penetration length,and the initial drop diameter affects the coolability of the melt significantly.
Development of Passive Containment Heat Removal System Transient Simulation Code for NPPs
Sun Tao, Xu Zhao
2017, 38(3): 18-23. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0018
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A code for simulating the passive containment heat removal system of nuclear power plants was developed.Code development methodology,subroutine dividing,code structure and physics model were investigated.And related test was done to validate that the code calculation result is reliable.The code development method,physics model and numerical solution method would be used as a support for the future design and analysis and engineering application.
An Experimental Study of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Frictional Characteristics of Porous Metal Materials for Oil Coolers
Liu Xiaoya, DinG Ming, Li Chun, Yan Changqi, Qi Yunfei
2017, 38(3): 24-28. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0024
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
Oil cooler is a device widely used in nuclear power plants.Porous metal materials are of concern because of the good performance to enhance the heat transfer.In order to study the feasibility of the enhanced heat transfer of porous metal materials to oil,68# turbine oil was chosen as the heat transfer working medium,and kinds of porous metal materials with different porosities were chosen as the experimental objects.By changing the number of porous metal materials,the heat transfer and frictional resistance characteristics of oil inside tube were studied experimentally.The results show that the porous metal materials can enhance the heat transfer of oil inside tube within the experimental range.The Nusselt number of the oil side is in direct proportion to the number of porous metal materials.Moreover,the structure of porous metal materials is the most important factor of the enhanced heat transfer.
A Preliminary Study on Application of High Order Scheme in Two-Fluid Model
Zhang Hao, Yang Yanhua
2017, 38(3): 29-33. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0029
The high order schemes based on Godunov method are applied to the numerical method of two-fluid model,and a numerical benchmark verification is carried out.The computation results of upwind,MUSCL,ENO and Ultra-Bee are compared and analyzed.The results show that the high order schemes are better than the upwind scheme.ENO is slightly better than MUSCL,however MUSCL is simpler than ENO,and the computation cost of MUSCL is smaller than that of ENO.Ultra-Bee shows a good ability to capture the discontinuity region,but in the continuity region the mesh number should be large enough.
Production of Thermal Scattering Law Data for H Bound in H2O at Any Temperature
Hu Zehua, Wang Jia, SHi Xueming, DenG Li, SuN Weili
2017, 38(3): 34-37. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0034
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
Calculations of light water reactor cores need to be implemented at a wide range of temperatures.In thermal energy range(below 4eV),the thermal scattering law for H bound in H2O is with important effect on the calculations.In the current major evaluated nuclear data libraries,the thermal scattering laws for H bound in H2O are given at fixed temperatures.The calculations can only performed accurately at those temperatures.In order to improve the accuracy of the calculations of light water reactor cores,the methodology for the generation of the thermal scattering law data at any temperature in the range of 293.6-1000 K based on the IKE model is introduced.A set of thermal scattering laws are generated on the temperature grid at interval of 10 K.With the thermal scattering law data and MC transport code,the keff of the benchmark models HMF004 and VENUS3 are calculated at various temperatures.The results show that the generation of the thermal scattering data is correct.
Nonlinear Iterative Method for Solving SP3 Equation
Pan Qingquan, Lu Haoliang, Cai Li, Li Dongsheng, Wang Kan
2017, 38(3): 38-42. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0038
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
The SP3 equation is an approximation of the 3rd-order spherical harmonic method.Relative to the diffusion theory,it has higher accuracy for calculation.Adopting the nonlinear iterative method to solve the SP3 equation,and putting forward the coupling relationship with Angular discrete,the problems of the complexity about the coupling relationship in the vacuum-boundary and the numerical instability during correction for 2nd-order flux are successfully solved.A code named NLSP3 for solving the SP3 equation with nonlinear iterative method was developed.Through the calculation of the benchmark problems,the feasibility of the algorithm is proved.
Effects of Sensitization on Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of 316NG Austenitic Stainless Steel
Li Pengpeng, Xiao Jun, ChA Wusheng, Tang Xinxin, Qiu Shaoyu
2017, 38(3): 43-46. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0043
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
In order to investigate the fatigue crack growth behavior of 316 NG austenitic stainless steel unsensitized and sensitized at 725℃,corrosion fatigue crack growth tests were conducted in simulated corrosion environments.SEM and OM were used to observe the microstructure and crack growth paths of the specimen.EDS was also applied to analyze the chemical components of the segregation.The fatigue crack growth rates of the unsensitized specimen decreased from 2.21×10-4 mm/cycle to 1.02×10-4 mm/cycle for the specimen sensitized by 10 minutes,which means that the fatigue cracking in the corrosion environment has been remarkably restrained by the sensitization.Being sensitized,the amount of segregation particle and branch crack increase,which results in the reduction of the crack growth rates.However,the sensitizing heat treatment can increase the Cr element content in segregation particles,lead to chromium-depleted zone being formed in the vicinity of particles,electrochemical corrosion being intensified,and crack propagation being enhanced.
Research on Depth Control Process of Titanium Alloy Tube Sheet Weld by Electron Beam Welding
Luo Xuzhen, Wang Jian, HE Ziang, Liu Xiaorong, Yuan Jun, Yuan Qunqi
2017, 38(3): 47-50. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0047
The electron beam welding(EBW) technology had been adopted for a close packing structure of (37)8mm×1.5mm Titanium alloy tube sheet.The control of depth-to-width of weld had been solved by contrast experiment at high and low welding speed;and the process of weld penetration which should be deeper than twice the tube wall thickness also was realized.Samples were tested by metallographic analysis,ultrasonic measurement,tensile test and intergranular corrosion test according to special technical specification.The results showed that all properties of the weld met the technical requirements.
Study on Low-Cycle Fatigue Property of 316 Stainless Steel at Room Temperature and 350℃
Chen Le, HE Kun, Liang Bo, Wang Li
2017, 38(3): 51-55. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0051
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
Low cycle fatigue property of 316 stainless steel was investigated at room temperature(RT,both base material and weld bead) and 350℃(base material) under a strain amplitude(SA) range from ±0.3% to ±1.5%,and fracture morphology of representative samples was observed by scanning electron microscope(SEM).The results showed that,316 stainless steel had an excellent fatigue property.Compared with 350℃,the fatigue life was 30%-50% longer at RT in the same SA,while the fatigue life of the base material was twice than that of the weld bead in the same SA.The decreasing of the fatigue life and the rising of the peak stress coincides with the increasing of the SA.The peak stress has a corresponding drop with the rising of cycles at RT,both base material and weld bead;however,the cyclic hardening turned into cyclic saturation,resulting from the increasing of the SA at 350℃.The fatigue crack source and striation was found at the surface of the samples by SEM,the striation gap became longer in accordance with the rising of SA,and in the same SA,the striation gap of weld bead was longer than that of base material,while that of 350℃ was longer than RT,which matched the fatigue experimental results.
Study on Strength Distribution and Failure Probability for IG-110
Wang Hongjie, SHi Li, Wang Xiaoxin, Sun Libin, Wu Xinxin
2017, 38(3): 56-60. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0056
As brittle material,graphite has scattered strength.Probabilistic method is more appropriate to evaluate the failure of graphite than deterministic method.The distribution function used in probabilistic method has big influence on results.Weibull distribution is commonly applied in the strength fitting.However,in some situations like multi stress and residual stress Weibull distribution is not suitable.The study of the applicability of different distribution on brittle materials is not much.Therefore,this paper uses a large amount of strength tests data to study the fitness of normal,lognormal and Weibull distribution.Also,the influence of distribution on probabilistic method has been studied.
Study on Surface Treatment of Ion Irradiation Samples
Li Chengliang, SHu Guogang
2017, 38(3): 61-64. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0061
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Ion irradiation experiments have been widely used in the evaluation of the radiation damage effect of the reactor pressure vessel(RPV) steels,which has a strict requirement for the surface state of the sample.The surface of RPV steel samples were treated by mechanical polishing,vibration polishing,electro-chemical polishing and vacuum annealing methods respectively.The damage states of the sample surface were characterized by slow beam positron annihilation Doppler broadening spectrum experiment.The stress states of the sample surface were characterized by nano-indentation test.The experimental results show that:for the RPV steel ion irradiated samples,it is recommended to use mechanical polishing and vacuum annealing treatment to deal with the sample surface,and then the electro-chemical polishing treatment method can be adopted.At the same time,the above conclusion is also applicable to the surface treatment of other low alloy steel ion irradiated samples,such as chemical composition,strength and toughness,and heat treatment.
Study on Positive Transfer Complete Characteristics of Reactor Coolant Pump under Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Condition
Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Xueji, Lu Yonggang, Wang Xiuli, Fu Qiang, Wang Haibin
2017, 38(3): 65-71. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0065
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Verified by CFD simulation and gas-liquid two-phase flow experiments,the paper mainly study the hydraulic performance,the volume distributions of gas components inside the flow channel and the flow state on the cooling medium with various void fraction under the complete positive rotation of reactor coolant pump.The research found that with the increasing of the gas voids,the head curves of the reactor coolant pump are shifted downward overall,but the change rule of head curves is largely similar under the working condition of positive rotation with counter flow breaking.Under the working condition of positive rotation and with positive flow breaking,gas voids gradually reduce the influence on the lift characteristics of reactor coolant pump with the increasing of the flow rate.Moreover,the torque of reactor coolant pump is obviously proportional to the density of coolant medium under the same flow rate.
Analysis on Problem of Difference between Non-Destructive Examination in Manufacturing and Pre-Service Inspection for CPR1000 Reactor Pressure Vessel
Li Jiakang, Liu Yi, Zhang Jin, Liu Feihua, Qiu Zhensheng, Dong Yiling
2017, 38(3): 77-80. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0077
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
Through the analysis on the requirements of RCC-M and RSE-M,the paper comprehensively describes the difference between the non-destructive examination in manufacturing and pre-service inspection.The technical improvement scheme is proposed in terms of the inspection extent,scanning direction,recordable condition and acceptance criteria,in order to solve the engineering problem of the different inspection results caused by different technologies used in manufacturing examination and pre-service inspection.
Analysis of Measurement Uncertainty for Dent Depth of Nuclear Equipment
Chen Hang, Qiu Zhensheng
2017, 38(3): 81-84. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0081
The measurement methods for dent depth on nuclear mechanical component were discussed during the installation and service of pressurized water reactors.The origins for the measurement errors in the welding inspection by calipers and moulding film were analyzed.Based on the measurement data from dents on the steam generator plate,the evaluation methods for the measurement uncertainty of the above two techniques were provided,and the uncertainty component was analyzed.The combined standard uncertainty was calculated.The calculated result indicated that the uncertainty of two methods come from the random uncertainty component of repeated measurement and system uncertainty component of system correction imperfection.
Research of Equivalent Mechanics Simplified Model of Liquid Storage Tank
SHenG Feng, Huang Lei
2017, 38(3): 85-89. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0085
Abstract(15) PDF(0)
In order to ensure the rationality of the anti-seismic design of liquid storage tanks,analysis and comparison of Housner model and Haroun-Housner model based on the two equivalent hydrodynamic effects theories are made,and the modal analysis and the seismic response spectrum analysis are carried out,and the fluid-solid coupling model of two different sizes of liquid storage tanks were established using ANSYS.The calculation results are compared with the Housner and Haroun-Housner theoretical results.The analysis results show that the formula solution of first-order sloshing frequency of two models and of first fluid-solid coupling frequency of Haroun-Housner model have high accuracy.It is reasonable to design rigid liquid storage tanks with Housner model,but it is not conservative for flexible liquid storage tanks,because the calculation results of Housner model and fluid-solid coupled model are very close for rigid tank but the difference between the calculation results of Housner model and fluid-solid coupled model is large and the simulaiton results of Haroun-Housner model are well agreed with the calculation results of fluid solid coupling model for the flexible tank.It is reasonable to design flexible liquid storage tanks with the Haroun-Housner model based on the assumption of elastic deformation of container.
Design and Application of Deltaflow under Micro Differential-Pressure Measurement on ACME Facility
Cui Mingtao, Tian Fang, Zhang Tao, Li Yuquan, Fang Fangfang
2017, 38(3): 90-93. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0090
Key flowrate measurement technology under micro differential pressure on ACME facility BAMS and PXS was studied,and its application effect was evaluated.Through the improvement of the installation structure of Deltaflow,it is proved that Deltaflow could be used in low-pressure micro differential pressure measurement,where the zero-drift of water flowmeters can be limited in 0.005 kPa.By comparison with the ultrasound flowmeter,it was verified that Deltaflow could obtain good measurement on ACME BAMS.In PXS,the ability of Deltaflow under small flow rate was tested.Through comparison with the ultrasound flowmeter,it was testified that below the minimal flow rate on calculation report,Deltaflow still has certain measurement accuracy,which depends on the zero-drift of differential pressure transmitter.
Applicability of Methods for Human Reliability Analysis for Computerized Procedures in Nuclear Power Plants
QinG Tao, Zhang Li, Dai Licao
2017, 38(3): 94-98. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0094
This paper analyzed the differences of digital procedure and papery procedure from the perspective of human factor engineering,and put forward the additional performance shape factors the digitized accident procedure need to consider.Several commonly used human reliability analysis(HRA) methods are comparatively analyzed.In addition to A Technique for Human Error Analysis(ATHEANA),the common HRA method used in the digital procedure has obvious problems.ATHEANA is with a certain flexibility and can be used as an alternative method for HRA analysis based on the digital procedure because it is not divided into specific behavior types and PSFs.The biggest difficulty of HRA analysis is to obtain the basic data.The data acquisition of HRA method considering the behavior characteristics of the operator under the digital procedure should also be the main research direction.
Optimized Control of Nuclear Power Plant Pressurizer Pressure Based on Short Feedback Fractional Order PIλDμ Controller
Zhao Ming, YE Jianhua, Li Chenjing
2017, 38(3): 99-103. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0099
Abstract(14) PDF(0)
The nuclear power plant pressurizer pressure control system has the characteristics of complex nonlinear and time-varying.On the basis of the theory of fractional order,fractional order PIλDμ controller is introduced on this kind of system,to realize the PID control from the point to the surface.Meanwhile,we introduced short feedback algorithm to achieve more precise control.A fractional order PIλDμ controller has 2 more degrees of freedom than the classical PID controller and a indirect algorithm(Oustaloup algorithm) was used to implement the fractional order controller.For the fractional-order PIλDμ controller parameter tuning,we introduced a biological heuristic algorithm-chicken swarm optimization algorithm(CSO).Considering the problem that the original chicken swarm optimization algorithm easily falls into local optimum because of the premature convergence,an improved chicken swarm ptimization(ICSO) is proposed.In the algorithm,we changed the chick position update equation,and chaos initialization and random weighting were introduced to improve the accuracy of the algorithm,and to obtain the global optimal.The simulation results show that the FOPID with CSO algorithm has better performance and anti disturbance ability after optimization.
Study on Allowed Configuration Time in Real-Time Risk Monitoring and Management
Wang Yan, Zhang Zhijian, Zhang Min, Chen Sijuan, Wang He, Xu Anqi
2017, 38(3): 104-106. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0104
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
Risk information of NPP’s current configuration is obtained through real-time risk monitoring technology and used in real-time risk management,which reflect the state of nuclear power plant and improve the safety and economy.Allowed Configuration Time(ACT) is a risk target which used to evaluate configuration about unavailable components in real-time configuration risk management.This paper presents the calculation method of ACT based on real-time risk.The calculation of ACT of configuration about multiple outage components considers the accumulated risk increment about equipment that remains unavailable across the configurations.
Analysis of Typical Problems of DCS Non-Safety Class Software
Liu Zhong, Song Mingliang, Wu Jiajie
2017, 38(3): 107-109. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0107
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
As the computer technology was widely used in nuclear power plants,a lot of unpredictable problems happened in the process of DCS(Distributed Control System) replacing the traditional relay rack.In this paper,considering the practical situation of Fuqing nuclear power DCS project,the typical problems in non-safety class of DCS software,which appeared during testing and commissioning process,are analyzed and the solution plan is proposed to obtain the experiences for the operation and commissioning activities in the future.
Study on Pressure Fluctuation and Radial Force during Startup of Reactor Coolant Pump
Su Songzhou, Wang Pengfei, Xu Zhongbin, Ruan Xiaodong, Kong Weijie
2017, 38(3): 110-114. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0110
Abstract(13) PDF(0)
In order to explore the characteristics of the pressure fluctuation and the radial force during the startup of AP1000 reactor coolant pump,different numerical simulation schemes were carried out with the reactor coolant pump hydraulic model according the property changes and the parameters setting of AP1000 startup.Statistical method and spectral method were adopted to analyze the dimensionless pressure fluctuation intensity and radial force separately.The results show that the pressure fluctuation intensity of the guide vanes channel are stronger than that of the impeller channel and weaken as the temperature increases.The pressure fluctuation intensity of the impeller channel and pump case are weaker and change irregularly as the temperature increases.The amplitude of radial force fluctuation at blade frequency and twice blade frequency are weaker and change irregularly as the temperature increases.The amplitude of radial force fluctuation at five times blade frequency is the strongest and weakens as the temperature increases.Therefore when the reactor coolant pump runs at the temperature below the design operation temperature,it will cause the enhancement of pressure fluctuation intensity in guide vanes,which may enhance the radial vibration of reactor coolant pump.
Effectiveness Analysis for Core Coolant Monitoring System during Medium Loss of Coolant Accident
Jiang Xialan, Liu Taili, Liu Yi, Zhang Xuan
2017, 38(3): 115-118. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0115
Abstract(11) PDF(0)
In order to validate the effectiveness of core coolant monitoring system(CCMS) of CPR1000(improved Chinese PWR) unit under condition of Medium Loss of Coolant Accident(MLOCA),and quantitatively analyze the water level calculation difference of two judgement methods of main coolant pump status in the control system,the measuring principle of the CCMS are analyzed.The level and error of CCMS calculation under these two conditions are calculated quantitatively using RELAP5-3D program to simulate the thermal hydraulic part of CPR1000 unit and virtual DCS to simulate the control system.The result shows that two methods both induce large error;the judgement of the core level by operator may be misled in the view of State Oriented Procedure(SOP).
Overload Analysis for Conveyor of PWR Fuel Transfer System
Chen Fei, Liu Jishuang, YE Qing, Wang Shilin, MenG Duiqiang, Cai Guohui
2017, 38(3): 119-122. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0119
Before the loading of nuclear fuels in a nuclear power plant,in the underwater test of the conveyor of fuel transfer system,we found that the conveyor failed to drive when it moved to K side(fuel plant side) at the travel end.In this paper,the causes are analyzed and solved in terms of the structure of conveyor of fuel transfer system and upender,and the content of the preventive maintenance project is further optimized.
Analysis and Treatment of Bolt Hole Enlargement of Drum Filter for Nuclear Power Plants
Wang Yunxi
2017, 38(3): 123-125. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0123
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The bolt holes of eight drum filters in CNNO Qinshan Phase Ⅱ power plant elongate(like ellipse) and get bigger with varying degrees,which cause the intensity of drum filter structure sharply declines,and the risk of failure occurs at any time.The analysis reveals that the galvanic corrosion and bolt loose are the root causes that result in the elongating and enlarging of the bolt holes of drum filer.The analysis concludes that the overall corrosion resistance of the drum filter hub and combined inspection methods of fasteners can eliminate the hidden trouble of elongation and enlargement of the bolt holes of drum filter hub,and effectively improve the operation reliability of the drum filters.
Research and Development of Visual Graphic Modeling for Advanced Neutron Transport Lattice Code KYLIN-II
Tu Xiaolan, Pan Junjie, Chai Xiaoming, Wu Wenbin, Chen Shu, Yin Qiang, Lu Wei
2017, 38(3): 126-131. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0126
Based on the Auto CAD software,this paper proposes the advanced grid automatic recognition algorithm,nested attribute editing mode,modular modeling methods and other advanced technologies,and develops the visual graphic modeling software KYEYE.The software supports multiple geometric description,currently supports KYLIN-Ⅱ software and HELIOS program.Adequate test and verification show that the software can accurately and quickly establish a variety of complex problems.
Overview about Studies of Turbulent Mixing in Sub-Channel Analysis
Liu Yu, Du Sijia, Li Zhongchun
2017, 38(3): 132-136. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0132
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In the sub-channel analysis,the turbulent mixing is one of the important parts of lateral mixing between coolant channels.It is non-directional cross-mixing due to the natural eddy diffusion during the fluid pulsation.The strength of turbulent mixing will affect the local thermal parameters of the sub-channel,thus affecting the critical heat flux prediction.It is an important input parameter for the reactor thermal hydraulic design and analysis.This paper aims to review the state-of-the-art studies of turbulent mixing in sub-channel analysis,in order to provide some reference during the fuel assembly design and sub-channel code development.Key issues in the turbulent mixing research were summarized,including the mechanism and models,turbulent mixing coefficient,experimental methods,CFD calculation methods and models in sub-channel code.The main theoretical model of turbulent mixing is in analogy to the molecular diffusion theory.Turbulent mixing coefficient β is a function of the sub-channel geometry and flow conditions of the coolant,and it can be obtained through experiments or CFD calculations.Turbulent mixing models in sub-channel code vary greatly.In practical applications,the choice of model depends on the specific object and the condition.
Improvement of 1-D Boron Tracking Model of RELAP5
Yang Fan, Zhou Ke, Wei Zonglan, Zhang Dan, Li Songyu, DenG Jian, Li Zhongchun
2017, 38(3): 137-140. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0137
In this study,a modified boron tracking model which takes into account the mass diffusivity caused by the turbulence flow is developed and embedded into RELAP5 code based on second order Godunov method.This method is validated by the analytical solution of linearized Burges question.At last,the sensitivity studies of the inlet velocity and refinement of node scheme are performed,which demonstrates the model’s capability of capturing turbulent diffusion transient under low velocity condition and the adaptability to different node schemes.
Failure Analysis of Check Valve in Safety Injection System of a Nuclear Power Plant
Wang Hao, Yin Kaiju, Zhang Wei
2017, 38(3): 141-144. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0141
Abstract(10) PDF(0)
The valves in the reactor primary loop are important components that related to the nuclear safety.In this case,it was reported that a crack appeared on the sealing surface of a valve in reactor primary loop.The sealing surface is welded with NOREM,which is an iron based hard facing alloy.The reason of the crack was studied by chemical composition analysis,mechanical analysis,metal graph analysis and SEM analysis.The result showed the composition,mechanical property and microstructure of the build-up welding were conformant to the requirements.The sealing surface cracked along the grain boundary and the location near the base metal suffered greater oxidation,which revealed that the crack features were consistent with the weld hot crack.The crack is the intrinsic property of the weld material,and modification to the weld parameter should be executed to mitigate the tendency of hot crack.
Loading Technique for Nuclear Fuel Rod of UO2 Pellets and Its Improvement Based on Automatic Vibrating Loading Bench
Wang Wei, Li Minghua
2017, 38(3): 145-148. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0145
Vibration frequency parameters are determined.Automatic process is easy to cause the positioning error of cladding tube,the grinding marks on cladding tube end,and thus affect the surface quality of fuel rods.Fuel rods grinding problem have be solved through the improvement of the automatic vibrating loading bench and auxiliary equipment,especially for the grinding defects on cladding tube end.This improvement also increases the stability and reliability of the automatic vibrating loading bench.
Technical Study of TVS-2M Grid Machining
Xie Wei
2017, 38(3): 149-153. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0149
TVS-2M grid is an important component of TVS-2M pressurized water reactor fuel assembly which is a new upgraded product contrast with the VVER-1000.Directing at the structure characteristics with big numbers of holes and thin wall between them,we designed the technological process and fixture method.Some process difficulties have to be solved.The order of processing is optimized to solve the deformation of thin-walled structure.Edited NC macro program is adopted to solve the matter of overcutting and cutting tool broken when machining.It provides a new technology and machining method for NC machining of thin-walled plate type structure.
Strategy Analysis of Beyond Design Basis Accident for Typical 1000 MWe NPPs
Chen Qiaoyan, SuN Jing
2017, 38(3): 154-157. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0154
Abstract(12) PDF(0)
The time windows for operators under different scenarios of beyond design basic accidents are calculated by RELAP5 and MAAP code,based on small break loss of coolant accident(SBLOCA).The results show that,the time window for SBLOCA without core melt is 1800 s and the time window for the activation of the containment spray is 5400 s.The operator should depressurize the primary loop under severe accidents.According to different prevention purposes,the time window to avoid the core melt is 200 s and the time window to avoid the pressure vessel failure is 3000 s.Through calculation and analysis,the safety features for different scenarios of beyond design basic accident and operator time windows are provided.
Numerical Analysis of Dimple Structure Effect on Grids Performance under Subcooled Boiling Condition
Han Bin, Yang Baowen, Zhang Hui, Cha Yudong
2017, 38(3): 158-163. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0158
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As the most important structure to enhance the thermal-hydraulic performance of fuel assembly,the mixing vane spacer grids has great effects on the safety and economic efficiency of reactors.As one of the key components of the spacer grids,the dimple can play an important role in the stability maintenance of the rod bundle and the distribution of the flow in spacer grids.In this paper,ANSYS CFX 14.5 was used to analyze the flow condition and heat transfer effect of a series of 5×5 spacer grids.Three different dimple structure spacer grids were modeled to obtain the effects of the dimple structures.After a basic verification of the CFD model and demonstration of the fully developed calculation domain length,the dimple structure effect on the thermal-hydraulic performance of the spacer grid were evaluated from the pressure drop,lateral velocity and void fraction distribution along the axial or radial direction.
Experimental Study on Effects of Nanoparticles Deposition on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nanofluid
Deng Kuanghan, Wu Junmei, Wang Yun, Su Guanghui
2017, 38(3): 164-167. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0164
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The effects of nanoparticles deposition on the nanofluid flow and convective heat transfer characteristics in the vertical tube were studied experimentally.Flow and heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3/H2O nanofluid in the vertical tube were studied under different nanoparticle concentration in the case of nanoparticles deposition and no nanoparticle deposition respectively.The results showed that nanoparticles deposition have significant effects on the flow characteristics but the effect on heat transfer characteristics is not obvious,and with the increasing of the nanoparticle concentration,the frictional coefficient and the heat transfer capacity have been significantly enhanced.
Uncertainty Analysis of Transportable Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactor(TFHR)
Wang Chenglong, Hu Lingwen, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui, Tian Wenxi
2017, 38(3): 168-171. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0168
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The uncertainty and sensitivity quantification investigation of MIT proposed 20 MWth prismatic Transportable Fluoride-salt-cooled High Temperature Reactor(TFHR) is performed with the DAKOTA code coupled to the commercial nuclear best-estimate software RELAP5.Model input parameters were selected with specified variations and probability density functions,a total of 200 steady state calculations were then conducted in order to statistically determine 95% peak fuel temperature tolerance intervals with 95% confidence level.It was found that uncertainties in the heat transfer coefficient and helium gap were the most significant contributors to the propagated peak fuel temperature uncertainty.About 0.5% of calculated fuel temperatures exceeded the fuel damage.The current design of THFR needs further optimization from the prospective of thermal-hydraulics.
Study on Key Process Parameter Optimization in Glass Solidification for Low and Middle Level Radioactive Combustible Wastes
Cao Qi, Chen Yunming, Zhang Jingsong, LÜ Yonghong, FenG Weiwei, Lu Yunyun
2017, 38(3): 172-175. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0172
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The high-temperature and low-temperature viscosity of the glass curing formula for the low and middle level radioactive combustible waste,such as cotton and blotting paper,rubber and plastic,was studied. The important results,such as melting temperature,molding temperature,softening temperature,strain point temperature and annealing temperature,were obtained
Design of Aerosols and Soot Purification Device Used in Radioactive Structure Disintegration and Cutting during Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
Yao Qingsheng, Xiang Chixin, Fan Kai
2017, 38(3): 176-179. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0176
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In order to solve the problem that a lot of aerosols and soot come from radioactive structure disintegration and cutting during decommissioning of nuclear facilities,our team developed a new type device which would purify the radioactive aerosols and the soot simultaneously.The concept design of the device is based on the universal aerosol purification device.Firstly,a smoke preprocess module is developed based on the mechanical filtration and multi-stage filtration principle.Secondly,the purification process and the overall structure are optimized.The performance test and engineering application show that:the smoke preprocessing module of this device can fully filtrate the fine metal particles or air suspension coming from the radioactive structure disintegration and cutting.As a result,the device is able to purify radioactive aerosols and dust simultaneously and the size of dust particles in its exhaust air is not more than 0.3 μm,and its purification efficiency is more than 85%.
Study on 4D Information System for NPP Overhaul Based on 3D Models
Chen Gang, Jiang Shengyao, Hu Siguang
2017, 38(3): 180-184. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2017.03.0180
Abstract(17) PDF(0)
Overhaul is an important part in the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants.As a huge and complicated asset intensive enterprise,the nuclear power plant requires high standards of safety with consideration of irradiation effects,which makes the overhaul management even harder.Studying the features,difficulties and tackling issues of the nuclear power plant overhaul,this paper discusses the necessities,the setting-up and application of 4D information system with detailed examples of domestic application cases and effects.As partial application of PLM system,the 4D information system could provide standard,visual and modular services for overhaul management.