In order to study the main neutron absorber nuclides of the Ag-In-Cd control rods in the reactor and its effect on the control rod value, Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the burnup of the main nuclides in Ag-In-Cd control rods during the reactor operation, and the neutron flux in the control rod and the macroscopic cross-section are analyzed, to investigate the value of the control rods before and after irradiation. The results show that the nuclide
113Cd in control rods decreases sharply with the increasing of the irradiation time, while
109Ag and
115In decrease slowly; the macroscopic cross-section of the control rods decreases, while the macroscopic cross-section of
109Ag and
115In increase; the neutron flux in the control rods increases, hence the neutron absorber rates in the Ag-In-Cd equal to that in the no-irradiation control rods.